Case 2

Opus Plasma 2

  • Case #2

    This case is to illustrate years of skin maintenance and how it can reverse aging. Patient did several microneedling sessions with PRF over the years. Most recent treatments were Opus skin resurfacing; she had three treatments, one month apart with post-procedural treatment Exosomes. Before pictures were taken three years prior to the after photos. The patient aged 3 years, but overall we achieved a net decrease in aging.

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    after image
  • Case #2

    This case is to illustrate years of skin maintenance and how it can reverse aging. Patient did several microneedling sessions with PRF over the years. Most recent treatments were Opus skin resurfacing; she had three treatments, one month apart with post-procedural treatment Exosomes. Before pictures were taken three years prior to the after photos. The patient aged 3 years, but overall we achieved a net decrease in aging.

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    after image